This is your moment.

Have you ever had

the illusion of

learning Spanish?

Our Spanish Learning

invites you to

learn Spanish on your own



This is a course of 30 online classes organized in 4 weeks to learn Spanish on your own!

You will spend at least 15 minutes-per-day learning a systematic study unit interrelated with the other units.


1. self-study

2. online

3. 15 minutes at least in each class

4. interrelated content in each class

5. systematic classes


6. grammar explanation

7. listening comprehension

8. reading comprehension

9. the extra mile

10. vocabulary and index

11. a podcast included in every class

12. a downloadable PDF document in every class

13. Spanish beginner level

14. a friendly design

15. affordable by PayPal

16. refundable*

Challenge #1 for


PROFESSIONAL USE (1 year) $240


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learn Spanish on your own

through Challenge 1

This is a course of 30 online classes organized in 4 weeks to learn Spanish on your own!

You will spend at least 15 minutes-per-day learning a systematic study unit interrelated with the other units. Each one of them includes not only grammar explanation, listening comprehension, reading comprehension, but also the extra mile, in a friendly interactive design with access to a podcast and a downloadable PDF in each class.

Challenge 1, Spanish course for beginners, includes in each class:


Grammar Explanation

You will find a vocabulary practice and some clear and concise explanations according to the topic of each class.


Listening Comprehension

It is possible to listen to the class content through a podcast with its related practice, which can be completed from your own device. In addition, in this part you can download a PDF in case it is useful.


Reading Comprehension

How do you know if you learned? The self-assessment function is developed through the reading comprehension. In this part, you will find three multiple-choice questions. You will select the correct option and check your answers using the answer key.


The extra mile

You as a student need to connect to the next class, so this is a scaffolding part. You will find vocabulary to memorize it. Flashcards are in both Spanish and English and can be memorized by hovering over them or clicking on them.


1. self-study

2. online

3. 15 minutes at least in each class

4. interrelated content in each class

5. systematic classes

6. grammar explanation

7. listening comprehension

8. reading comprehension

9. the extra mile

10. vocabulary and index

11. a podcast included in every class

12. a downloadable PDF document in every class

13. Spanish beginner level

14. a friendly design

15. affordable by PayPal

16. refundable*


  Challenge 1  

  Clase 1  

This is a self-study course of 30 online Spanish classes

  Clase 2  

Frases importantes cuando aprende español

  Clase 3  

Saludos y frases de cortesía

  Clase 4  

¿Cómo presentarse?

  Clase 5  

¿Cómo presentar a otra persona?

  Clase 6  

Conjugación en general

  Clase 7  

Conjugación de verbos regulares en presente terminados en -ar

  Clase 8  

Oraciones afirmativas

  Clase 9  

Oraciones negativas

  Clase 10  

Oraciones interrogativas #1

  Clase 11  

Pronombres interrogativos

  Clase 12  

Oraciones interrogativas #2

  Clase 13  

Afirmar, negar, preguntar #1

  Clase 14  

Afirmar, negar, preguntar #2

  Clase 15  

Afirmar, negar, preguntar #3

  Clase 16  

Afirmar, negar, preguntar #4

  Clase 17  

Afirmar, negar, preguntar #5

  Clase 18  

Conjugación de verbos regulares en presente terminados en -er

  Clase 19  

Afirmar, negar, preguntar -er #6

  Clase 20  

Afirmar, negar, preguntar -er #7

  Clase 21  

Afirmar, negar, preguntar -er #8

  Clase 22  

Conjugación de verbos regulares en presente terminados en -ir

  Clase 23  

Afirmar, negar, preguntar -ir #9

  Clase 24  

Afirmar, negar, preguntar -ir #10

  Clase 25  

El verbo “ser”

  Clase 26  

El verbo “estar”

  Clase 27  

El verbo “tener”

  Clase 28  

El verbo “hacer” y “haber”

  Clase 29  

Práctica de “ser”, “estar”, “tener”, “hacer” y “haber”

  Clase 30  

El verbo “saber”

  Challenge 1  

El verbo “conocer”


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Learn Spanish on your own through Challenge 1

Description of the course

     Would you like to take a walk in the forest to watch birds? What do you think about going to fish by using a fishing rod and bait? 

     Challenge 1 was designed for those who enjoy the company of a good book. People with some available time for new learnings just for the sake of enjoying it. This course is the result of a deep reflection on how to respond to the need to learn Spanish on your own through an effective self-study course both in each class and in the course as such, spending a few minutes daily online. If you do not know Spanish but feel interested in learning it on your own, this course is a good starting point. 

The effectiveness in each class

     The effectiveness in each class of this self-study course can be demonstrated in the didactic it contains. Because this is a self-study course, it is necessary to have available the knowledge in each class without depending on a tutor. For this reason, in the first part you find the necessary vocabulary for each class both in English and Spanish on flashcards to memorize it. In addition, this course considers the grammar approach as the best to the self-study of a new language, so the first part of every class includes the Grammar Explanation, with clear examples that reflect the content, and also with the option for you to write your own examples related to your real life following the grammar patterns learned.

     Another language skill included in each class is Listening Comprehension. The content of each class was recorded in an audio that has its own practice to complete. You can pause the podcast to fill in the blanks using your own device, and then repeat the complete practice along with the audio. Also, within this part of listening comprehension, you have the ease to download the practice on your own device through a pdf document, in case it is useful for you.

     On the other hand, learning is reinforced with self-assessment, so in Reading Comprehension you find 3 questions about the class content with 3 answer options. You can select the best answer and compare it against the answer key.

     To finish an effective class learning Spanish on your own, a scaffold for the next class is necessary. Vocabulary for the next class is included on flashcards in The extra mile to memorize it.

The effectiveness in the course

     Each class was designed with both pre- and post- content in mind, so there is interrelated and coherent content.

     In addition, effectiveness involves not only the content but also its design. Because the course is self-study, it was necessary to include features such as cards with flipping movements to memorize vocabulary, or items that disappear when clicked on. Also, the ease of fill in the blanks using the device itself was included, selecting the correct answer among multiple options, conversation bubbles when the content is an interaction, podcasts and downloadable pdf documents, animated conjugation charts, access to vocabulary learned at any time as well as access to the entire index, instructions with options to appear and disappear, and consistent animations and colors throughout the course.

     To achieve this, some HTML and CSS codes were used to program the pages and their functions. Also, the course was designed and hosted on, a website that is protected by Cloudflare, it is updated frequently, following all the security steps that it knows of to keep it safe. This guarantees security and privacy, and the possibility to make improvements when necessary.

     At the end of this course, the student will be able to greet and use courtesy phrases, conjugate regular verbs ending in ar, er, ir in the simple present tense, affirm, deny, and ask questions, conjugate and use the verbs “ser”, “estar”, “tener”, “haber”, and “hacer”, as well as “saber” and “conocer”.

Your privacy and security are important to us!

Terms and Conditions of Challenge 1, the course to learn Spanish on your own!

Refund policy

You can reclaim your money back within 48 hours after your payment if you do not receive the course with its password within the first 24 hours after your payment by writing to [email protected]. Your payment will be verify with PayPal and the course delivery with Our Spanish Learning administration to proceed. The refund amount includes transfer costs. Please, check your email and spam inbox, in case that your email server sorts the message with the course into that box.

Privacy terms

Your email address or any of your personal information will not be sold. Your personal data is strictly confidential and it will not be shared in any way except when it is required or permitted by law. Your email address will be deleted from our database 30 days after payment if you purchase the course for personal use, or when your professional use period ends. 

You will not receive promotional messages from us. However, if you have any questions, we can answer them if you do them by the course email address. 

If you purchase the course for personal use, the course and its password will be sent once to your email, and its respective update. If you purchase the course for professional use, the course and its password will be sent to your email every month as long as the payment is complete. 

Payment aspects

The payment is through PayPal buttons. 

If you purchase the course for personal use, it costs $30.

If you purchase the course for professional use for a year, it costs $240, or $80 for four months. 

Security aspects

This website is protected by CloudFlare. 

Your browser will not receive cookies or tracking codes from this website when you are browsing on it.

However, when you introduce the password of the course, this website by default will put cookies in your browser to remember your IP and avoid asking for the password every time you access. You can disable them from your browser preferences. 

This website is updated frequently. 


Changes in prices, terms, and conditions will be posted here without prior notice. However the prices, terms, and conditions accepted when you paid for the course will continue without change as long as the time of the course is valid for you. 


This product is offered as is. 


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Our Spanish Learning

Our Spanish Learning

Our Spanish Learning

Our Spanish Learning

Our Spanish Learning

Our Spanish Learning

Our Spanish Learning